June 1

"The final consortium meeting: Reflecting on an unforgettable journey"

Antonia Peter “Last week, the entire INsTRuCT consortium gathered in Regensburg for the Final Meeting. This conference brought together ESRs, supervisors, ...”

April 28

"What color is Guinness? Don’t you dare say Brown… IT’S DARK RUBY RED!"

Maria Gonzales “I arrived in Dublin for my secondment experience on the 23rd of September. Thankfully Alessia was there to guide me through life basically. Not only...”

March 25

Learning from our patients: a patient-centred day at Newcastle University

Ioana Nicorescu “On March 25th, 2023, the Immunotherapy group I am part of hosted a patient engagement session, showcasing how we use the samples donated...”

October 17

“The tree of patience has bitter roots, but its fruit is sweet”

Jorge Torres “No one can deny the hindrances that people cope with to reach a dream job. Personally, starting a career as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) has been one of the most challenging achievements...”

May 08

The learning curve

Antonia Peter “Looking back at my first year as a PhD student at Maastricht University, I am not only proud of everything I have accomplished for myself but also of what I was able to pass on. Already a year ago...”

March 03

PhD - It’s already been a year?

Ayesha Sahar “I always wanted to do PhD so there were no doubts and I started looking for positions right after my masters in 2019. I did computer engineering with focus on machine learning & data science. I have always found exploring...”

January 11

From colleague to student representative: my first year experience in INsTRuCT

Ioana Nicorescu “I am currently sat at my desk, writing this blog and evading my boyfriend’s requests to help with dinner. After returning to Newcastle from Italy, I’ve realised it has...”

December 15

It’s that time of the year (again)

Alessia Zotta “It’s only the beginning of December here in Dublin and I am already flooded by the Christmas lights which are bouncing from the corners of the buildings surrounding the streets in the city centre. The early start of...”

November 19

Collaborations are a sine qua non for science

Maaike Suuring “INsTRuCT, as you may know, is a program in which 15 different research groups all over Europe have one common goal: to advance innovative solutions towards the development...”

September 22

My journey towards a PhD at INsTRuCT

Tamara Traitteur “It is the first week of my PhD, I am sitting in a lab in Antwerp (Belgium) and let my thoughts wander. Within the last two months, I have turned my whole life upside down.”